The world is flat, for all
Berlin Wall
The global market has to win
Everything is growing
By any definition, and watershed
Beginning with the Netscape IPO
Lovely software developed workflow
Open-source code it all began
Outsourcing has started using in the world
All niche and claim to fame
Offshoring leveled the ground, the same
Strongly reduce the tax burden for all
Labor costs decreased dramatically
American workers rant, rave, and Opine
Young engineers from Asia are working tirelessly
Fill in American universities and companies
Bring your brain power and understanding from a distance
Russian weapons and AK47s for sale in Peshawar
Supply-chain integration meticulously
Everyone in the production process
A few traces of insourcing areblessed
Get a cell phone ear piece an irritating
Office Max employees have peace
Thread of all of us to have all the gadgets and appliances
Now we go digital, it is not so beautiful
Hurry up! Everyone has virtual
Access to MySpace and show your face
All for the cyber-sapien taste
iPaq - International Physical Activity Questionnaire?
About triple convergence I do not really care
Neither do I understandAll this globalization
Aircraft, UPS, Fed-Ex and Dropshipping
Cheap Chinese order will be sold by Wal-Mart
With a deep discount on farms nation
EBay all the things we have to sell house
Regardless of the fact that what sells is predictable or well --
So dive in head first, as a consumer should
Interesting new players, new playground global
New complexity, processes and markets
Habits for horizontalCorporate Cooperation
Their markets and currency speculation
Connect from command and control in the area to cooperate and
From India to Indiana, Manchester to Minneapolis
Hong Kong to Paris, Bangalore in the Big Apple
This means that you can find an identity disorder more
The death of smooth, elegant fluted Seller
No one can classify the more intractable
Who owns what? Where did it come from?
Who cares anyway?Consumption and be happy!
Dunkin Donuts, TGI Fridays, Chilis, McDonalds
Innovation, redistribution, HP, Dell, ESPN, CNN
Intel, Microsoft, Cisco, eBay, Yahoo and Google
MSN Search for talent worldwide first in the world
Get me the best of the cheapest to do, I do not
Y2K should be a national holiday amazing
One problem, panic, a panacea, and reproduction
Low wages, low job prestige lead celebrations
Overseas their well-paid,coveted
Sought, pursued, and fought for desirable
Entrepreneurship unprecedented global
Supply and demand, sexy Diversity Management
The promotion of unity with nature and integrative
The interaction, flexibility, on appeal, be adaptable
V. wholesale trade, foreign direct investment
Shrinking subsidies, protectionist barriers
Constant is lowered in order to attract investors
Torelocate employees, build, create and
Reduced restrictions in employment law for employees
Disastrous deregulation of financial markets
Profiteering in the privatization of state enterprises
Each market is export oriented and aware
Strategies need to draw on the open market and popular with us
Banking systems and utilities will be deleted
Advocacy CEO, when bankrupt
Mobilization and control of intellectual property
Stop at a minimum cost to start business
Each variable in the comprehensive assessment and evaluation
Tax benefits, details and questions glocalization
Cultural foundations, such as the values of the local labor
Thrift, honesty, patience, humanity and the hardness
Openness to change, the introduction of new technologies
Intangible property, such as equality of women in business
As we have just land vital commodity
To maximize workers and families separatedWin
Fathers and mothers are working all hours of the night
The world is truly flat, and suddenly all
Free trade should be our way too high
Every nation is an expression of courage
When they have a contribution to the whole
The global economy, means God is smart diplomacy
Int'l trade without rules gov't occurs in nature.